Materials Catalogue—Contemporary Book Cloths

Fine Rayon Bookcloth

This is a contemporary Rayon book cloth with a fine weave, making it quite smooth to the touch. It is available in a very wide range of colours and is suitable for those wanting a more up-to-date look and feel than our classic buckrams.

Binding Book Printing & Binding
Binding Book Printing & Binding
Binding Book Printing & Binding
Binding Book Printing & Binding

Coarse Rayon Bookcloth

This is a contemporary Rayon book cloth with a coarser weave, making it suitable for projects where a bit more of a tactile feel is required. It is available in a very wide range of colours and is suitable for those wanting a more up-to-date look and feel than our classic buckrams.

Binding Book Printing & Binding
Binding Book Printing & Binding
Binding Book Printing & Binding
Binding Book Printing & Binding

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Bookbinders in Midhurst, close to Chichester, Petersfield, Arundel, Haslemere, Surrey, Hampshire, West Sussex.

Otter Bookbinding Limited, Company Number 8355811. Vat Reg No 156345210.